Key points about soiling
- the medical name for soiling is encopresis
- soiling is when your child does poo in their pants after the age when you would expect them to be toilet trained
- soiling is usually caused by long-lasting constipation and an overloaded bowel
- soiling problems can be frustrating and upsetting for parents and tamariki (children)
- you are not alone - there are many tamariki with this problem
- soiling occurs without your child knowing - it is not deliberate and your child did not develop this problem to upset you or be manipulative
- the treatment of constipation and soiling takes time - most tamariki need to take medicine for many months and often years to manage the problem
What is soiling?
Soiling (encopresis) is when your child does poo in their pants after the age when you would expect them to be toilet trained. Soiling is a common problem affecting many tamariki. It can happen in any child, toddler or teenager.

Causes of soiling
- soiling is usually caused by long-lasting constipation and an overloaded bowel
- for a few tamariki, emotional and behavioural problems are a factor rather than constipation - you may need professional help for these issues
How a child can get an overloaded bowel
Hard poos
Poo usually comes down and passes out in 'single file'.
If for some reason your child does a hard poo and it hurts, they may try to avoid pain again by 'holding on' to the next poo.
Bowel wall and nerves get stretched
If your child 'holds on' to their poo, the poo gets bigger and harder and stretches the bowel wall and the nerves around the bowel.
More poo gets stuck in the bowel which becomes more stretched. Overloading becomes worse - a vicious cycle begins.
The sensation or 'the urge' to have a poo is lost because the nerves have been stretched.
Overloading can be present even without the constipation being obvious. Your child can do poo daily but the backlog continues
Leaking poo
When the bowel gets overloaded, poo trickles down or overflows without the child noticing. This often happens when they are relaxing, exercising, or after eating.
This is terrible for your child who has no idea what is happening to them. Your child won't be able to understand why this is happening and so won't be able to explain it.

An animation showing soiling happening with poo leaking out around the constipation.
When to get medical help for your child with soiling
If your child is soiling, you should take them to a health professional. Public health nurses can also be very helpful for your child with soiling. You could ask your health professional about your local public health nurses.
Your health professional may suggest your child sees a specialist nurse or doctor if:
- your child's soiling is proving difficult to treat after standard treatments or,
- the health professional thinks there may be another condition causing your child's constipation and soiling
Managing soiling
Treatment for soiling focuses on:
- unblocking and emptying the bowel - usually with a bowel washout
- taking laxatives to help your child do a soft poo at least once a day - this keeps their bowel empty so that it returns to a normal size and may take a few months
- establishing a regular routine of sitting on the toilet
Treatment should continue for enough time to allow the bowel size and feeling (sensation) to return to normal. This is usually for months, or sometimes years.
How you can help your child
Soiling problems can be frustrating and upsetting for parents and tamariki. It's important to understand the cause and not to blame your child for soiling. It can be hard to understand that stretched nerves really do mean your child isn't aware when they've soiled. Soiling is upsetting and can cause other behaviour problems which usually improve when the soiling is treated.
You could watch the video below with your child.
'Poo hoo' is a story about Tim Thompson who is having problems with sore tummies and sneaky poos.
Source: Continence NZ
Be supportive
Educate and encourage your whole whānau (family) to be supportive and understanding.
Stay calm and be supportive of your child. Remember the poo is the problem, not your child. Getting angry will make you feel bad and make your child tense and treatment is less likely to be successful.
Talk to your child's school
Older tamariki with soiling are often teased. It is useful to talk to your child's classroom teacher.
Ask your health professional to help you contact a public health nurse who can work with you, your child and the school.
Talk to your child's school about a separate toilet where your child can clean and change themselves when needed.
Animated soiling graphic by Dr Greta File. Property of KidsHealth.
ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. 2014. Evaluation and treatment of functional constipation in infants and children: Evidence-based recommendations from ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN.
Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. Clinical Practice Guideline: Constipation.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, U.K. May 2010 (updated July 2017). Constipation in children and young people.