What Food From 8-12 Months Video Transcript

What Food From 8-12 Months Video Transcript


Video transcript for what food from 8-12 months?

[Music throughout video]

Tamariki Ora nurse

That's great. So that makes it really interactive for him, doesn't it?



Tamariki Ora nurse



By 8 or 9 months, you can start offering your baby their solids before breast milk or formula. By now, your baby's probably having 3-4 meals a day, 1-2 snacks, and 2-3 breast or formula feeds. By the time your baby's 12 months, they're ready to eat a little of what the rest of the family is eating but remember to be careful about foods that can cause choking.

Lactation consultant/midwife

How old is, um, your son?


Uh, Luca is 11 months; he's 11 months.

Lactation consultant/midwife

And what's um, he having for lunch today?


He's having chicken soup which is um, what the family ate for dinner last night, so um, it's um, yeah, just trying to get them to eat what we eat. Makes it a bit easier.

Lactation consultant/midwife

That's very good and it's the leftovers as well.



Yeah. Yep, good way to get his veges.

This page last reviewed 14 October 2021.

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