Starting Solids

All about starting solids when your baby's ready (around 6 months of age). Each page begins with a short video followed by key messages in English and 9 other languages. Scroll down each page for more detailed information (like a How to get started with solids checklist). You might like to start by watching the video on the page Starting solids: Key messages.


Mother with her baby on her lap, giving her baby a spoon of pureed baby food

Copyright: Kidshealth

Around 6 months, your baby starts to need the extra vitamins and minerals (especially iron and zinc) that are in solid foods. 

The best drink for babies from birth to 6 months is breast milk (or formula, if breast milk is unavailable). From 7 to 12 months, breast milk (or formula) and water are the best drinks for your baby.

Start with spoon-fed puréed foods when your baby is ready (around 6 months). Move on to mashed and chopped foods over the next few months. Offer finger foods from 7 to 8 months when your baby is able to pick them up, bring them to their mouth and chew them.

Start with one food at a time, and add a new food every 2 to 4 days. Over time, increase how much and how often you give solid foods. Start with 1 to 2 teaspoons once a day, and slowly increase.

Keep giving your baby breastmilk (or formula) before solids. Give more variety and texture as baby grows older.

By 8 or 9 months, you can start to offer your baby their solids before breast milk or formula. By now your baby is probably having 3 to 4 meals a day, 1 to 2 snacks, and 2 to 3 breast (or formula) feeds.

Safety's important when your baby is eating. Make sure your baby's well-secured in a high chair, or on your lap. Find out about foods that are more likely to cause choking.