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Key points about your child's development

  • all tamariki develop at different rates
  • some parents may be worried about their child's development 
  • you know your child best - seek help if you're worried 
  • there are a range of services which can provide support for preschool tamariki

Developmental milestones

Skills like learning to crawl or walk, wave or talk are called developmental milestones. All tamariki reach developmental milestones at different times. 

See some resources for checking milestones in babies and preschoolers.

Developmental Milestones: Newborns To 5 Years

Reaching developmental milestones

Although there is a range for tamariki reaching their milestones, some tamariki have delays that are outside the expected range. 

Tamariki can show delays in one or more areas, including:

  • rolling, crawling, walking (gross motor skills)
  • reaching and grasping a toy, threading beads (fine motor skills)
  • peek-a-boo, water play (play skills)
  • understanding what you are saying top them (learning to listen and understand)
  • babbling, saying words, talking in sentences (learning to speak)
  • pointing, waving, clapping, making eye contact (learning non-verbal skills)
  • learning colours and shapes, problem solving (cognitive skills)

When you're concerned about your child's development

If you have concerns about your child's development or behaviour, you could talk to:

  • whānau and others who know your child 
  • your Well Child Tamariki Ora nurse (such as Whānau Āwhina Plunket or Whānau Ora)
  • your health professional - remember, appointments are free for tamariki under 14 at most practices (if your child is enrolled at that practice)
  • a teacher at your child's kōhanga reo, daycare or kindergarten
  • the Ministry of Education, Learning Support (phone 0800 622 222)

Learning Support: What Is It?

You know your child best. Get a second opinion if you remain concerned.

When your child needs support 

There are a range of services for tamariki under 5 who need support with their development in New Zealand. These vary around New Zealand and include:

  • child development services
  • early intervention services provided by the Ministry of Education, Learning Support
  • early intervention services from other providers - these vary from region to region

Child development services

Your health professional or Well Child nurse may suggest seeing a paediatrician and/or child development team.

There are some differences, depending on where in New Zealand you live. Generally, these services sit within, or alongside, paediatric or community health services within your local health or hospital service.

The child development teams usually include a range of professionals, which may include:

  • cultural support workers
  • dietitians
  • occupational therapists
  • physiotherapists
  • paediatricians
  • social workers
  • family therapists
  • speech language therapists
  • visiting neurodevelopmental therapists
  • psychologists

Child development teams work with other service providers such as preschool educational services and Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC).

Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC)

Early intervention services

Early intervention services are mainly provided by the Ministry of Education.

Learning Support Before Your Child Goes To School

Early intervention services from other providers

As an alternative to the services provided by the Ministry of Education, some regions have other providers of early intervention services. Ask your health professional, paediatrician or child development team about your local options.

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