Key points about conjunctivitis
- conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is a common problem in tamariki
- it causes red, irritated and sticky eyes
- a viral or bacterial infection or allergic reaction are the most common causes
- symptoms can last from 2 days to 3 weeks
- conjunctivitis spreads easily - good hygiene (especially hand washing) can help prevent the spread
- see your health professional if your baby with conjunctivitis is less than 6 weeks old

What is conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is swelling and redness of the clear layer (conjunctiva). This layer covers the white part of the eye and the lining of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis is sometimes called 'sticky eye' or 'pink eye'.

Causes of conjunctivitis
An infection or allergic reaction is the most common cause of conjunctivitis.
An infection (virus or bacteria)
Infective conjunctivitis is caused by a virus or bacteria and can spread easily.
It spreads by touching mucus or discharge from the eyes, nose or throat of someone with the infection. It can also spread by touching surfaces and sharing things an infected child has touched.
An allergic reaction
Allergic conjunctivitis is the body's reaction to something (such as pollen) and will not spread to others. A child will often have other signs of hay fever if the swelling and redness is the result of an allergy. Signs can include an itchy, runny nose and sneezing or a history of other allergic conditions. The eyes are itchy and watery.
Allergic Conjunctivitis In Children
Signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis
Symptoms can appear from 2 to 10 days after getting infected. Once symptoms appear, they can develop quickly over 24 to 72 hours.
It can be difficult to tell whether an allergy, bacteria or a virus is causing the conjunctivitis as redness and swelling of the conjunctiva happen in them all. Many viruses can cause conjunctivitis and the symptoms may appear in a mild form together with any flu-like illness.

Tamariki with conjunctivitis often have:
- redness of the white part of the eye
- irritation or gritty feeling (like having sand in the eye)
- discharge (may be clear, milky or pus-like)
- more tears than usual
- swelling of the eyelids
- crusting of the eyelids or eyelashes
- itchiness
If the skin around your child's eye becomes swollen, red or sore, the infection may have spread. This can be serious - sometimes it's a sign of cellulitis. If this happens, take your child to health professional as soon as possible.
How long conjunctivitis can last
Conjunctivitis can last from 2 days to sometimes as long as 3 weeks.
Caring for your child with conjunctivitis at home
You can help relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis.
Clear away the discharge
Gently clear away the discharge from the eye with a cotton ball soaked in warm water. Clean in one direction only, moving the cotton ball from the inside to the outside of the eye. Use a separate cotton ball for each eye and throw them away after each use.
Good hygiene can help prevent the spread of conjunctivitis
- wash hands very carefully after contact with infected eyes
- try to discourage your child from rubbing their eyes
- wash pillowcases, face cloths and towels frequently and don't share them
When to seek help
See a health professional if you are worried about your child's eyes, or if your child has:
- moderate to severe eye pain
- sensitivity to light (photophobia)
- any blurred or reduced vision
- any injury to the eye (such as being hit or scratched), or chemicals in the eye
- a fever and is generally unwell
- increased swelling, redness, and tenderness around the eye
If your baby with conjunctivitis is less than 6 weeks old, always see a health professional. An infection from bacteria in the birth canal can cause conjunctivitis in newborns. This can cause serious damage to your child's eyes and even their general health if it isn't treated urgently.
Your health professional may prescribe eye drops or ointment as it can be hard to tell whether your child has viral or bacterial conjunctivitis.
Keeping your child with conjunctivitis away from school or daycare
Tamariki with conjunctivitis should not go to school or daycare until their eyes are better. That's because the discharge from their eyes can pass the infection on to other tamariki.
Other causes of watery, red or swollen eyes
If the skin around your child's eye becomes swollen, red or sore, it may be infected. This can be serious - sometimes it's a sign of cellulitis. If this happens, take your child to a health professional as soon as possible.
A stye is a red lump on your child's eyelid. It's caused by a blockage of an oil gland in the eyelid.
Eye injury
The following can cause redness, swelling and pain in a child's eyes:
- being hit or scratched in the eye
- something getting in the eye (such as a piece of metal or glass)
- chemicals splashed in the eye
If your child has an eye injury, take them to a health professional or emergency department as soon as possible.
If your child has had chemicals splashed in their eye, they need immediate first aid. Wash their eye(s) with water for at least 10 minutes and then take your child to a health professional straight away.
Blocked tear duct
Some pēpi (babies) can have sticky eyes which don't get better. They may have watery discharge from one eye over many weeks. If your baby's eye is watery but not red, they may have a blocked tear duct rather than conjunctivitis. This can happen if the tear ducts become blocked. Tear ducts drain tears from the eyes to the nose.
Blocked tear ducts often get better by themselves. If your baby still has sticky watery eyes at about 12 months of age, they may need a small operation to open the tear duct.
See a health professional if your baby still has watery, sticky eyes when they are 10 to 12 months.
Your baby won't spread any germs from a blocked tear duct so they can still go to daycare.
Illustration of child with conjunctivitis by Dr Greta File. Property of KidsHealth.
Photos: iStock.