Key points about animal bites in children
- dog, cat and rat bites occur more commonly in tamariki than adults
- tamariki are most commonly bitten by their own dog or dogs they know
- cat bites are more likely to become infected than dog bites
- all animal bites can become infected - take your child to a health professional for a check after any animal bite
Who gets animal bites
All tamariki are at risk of an animal bite. Dog bites are more common in tamariki under 5 years of age. Cat bites are more common in tamariki than adults.
Types of animal bites
Dog bites
Up to 90% of animal bites are from dogs. Younger tamariki are most likely to get dog bites on their head and neck. This is most likely because a young child's head is at the level of a large dog's mouth. Dog bites can be scratches, puncture wounds, deep cuts, crush injuries or skin tears.
Cat bites
Around 5% to 10% of animal bites are from cats. Tamariki usually get cat bites on their hands and arms when playing with a cat. Cat bites can be scratches or deep puncture wounds.
Rodent bites
Around 3% of animal bites are from rodents like rats. Rat bites are common in tamariki 5 years or younger. Tamariki mostly get rat bites on their hands or faces. Rate bites are more common in the warmer months.
Check out the page on cuts, scratches and grazes for more information on different types of wounds.
Cuts, Scratches & Grazes In Children
Managing your child's animal bite
Because all animal bites could become infected, take your child to a health professional if they have had an animal bite.
Before you see a health professional, you can control any bleeding by putting pressure on the wound. Do not put on any ointments or begin treatment with any kind of medicine before seeing the health professional.
When to get medical help for your child's animal bite
In most cases, take your child to a health professional as soon as possible after any animal bite.
Take your child to the closest emergency department if:
- the bleeding is heavy, or you can't stop the bleeding
- the wound looks wide or deep
- your child has had any bites on the head, face, ears, hand, foot or genitals
- the bite is over a joint
When to call 111
Call 111 within New Zealand for an ambulance (use the appropriate emergency number in other countries) if:
- the animal bite looks serious
- your child is unconscious or having difficulty breathing
- you are worried that your child looks very ill
Treating an animal bite
Depending on where the animal bite is and how bad it is, the health professional may:
- clean the wound and remove loose skin
- take a swab of the wound
- use stitches to close the wound
- prescribe a course of antibiotics for your child
- recommend or prescribe some pain relief
- recommend tetanus immunisation
- send your child for an x-ray to check for any bone damage
- refer your child to the hospital specialists if they suspect any damage to nerves or tendons
- give you advice on how to keep the wound clean
- ask you to bring your child back again for another check of the wound
- refer your child for counselling if their mental wellbeing has been affected
Signs to look out for after an animal bite
Once your child has seen a health professional, you will get advice on how to care for their wound.
Keep a close eye on your child’s bite wound and see a health professional again if:
- there is increased redness, swelling and pain or it becomes warm to touch
- red streaks develop
- there is a coloured or smelly discharge
- your child has any new loss of feeling, numbness or inability to move the affected limb it’s on
- the wound has not healed after 2 weeks
Skin Infections In Children - What To Do
Emotional and mental wellbeing after an animal bite
After a bad experience with an animal bite, some tamariki may be scared to be around animals. If you feel like your child is anxious or is having nightmares or flashbacks after their animal bite, ask your health professional for support. Your health professional can arrange psychological support for your child through ACC.

See the ACC website for more information on accessing counselling and therapy sessions for your child. You can also find out more about Rongoā Māori medical practitioners that are available through ACC.
Taking time off after an animal bite
Your child should take at least one day off after starting treatment (such as antibiotics). Check with your health professional how long they recommend.
Preventing animal bites
It is important to teach your child how to approach and handle pets. Here are some things you can do:
- never leave tamariki alone with a cat or dog
- teach tamariki how to handle animals gently and kindly
- remind tamariki not to disturb an animal that is sleeping
- avoid touching animals that don’t know you or your child
- teach your child to ask the animal’s owner if it is OK to pat them first
- avoid approaching stray animals or animals that look aggressive
- do not disturb cats and dogs that have kittens and puppies with them, as they may become aggressive if they fear their young are at risk

See the Department of Internal Affairs Dog Safety website for more information about dogs and keeping tamariki safe.