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Displaying 29 results tagged with ‘Epilepsy’

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  • Diazepam - Emergency Epileptic Seizure Medicine

    Emergency epileptic seizure medicine is used to stop seizures lasting longer than 5 minutes. Diazepam is an emergency epileptic seizure medicine. Learn more about diazepam and how to give it.
  • Midazolam - Emergency Epileptic Seizure Medicine

    Emergency epileptic seizure medicine is used to stop seizures lasting longer than 5 minutes. Midazolam is the most common emergency epileptic seizure medicine. Learn more about midazolam and how to give it.
  • Emergency Epileptic Seizure Medicine

    Emergency epileptic seizure medicine is used to stop seizures lasting longer than 5 minutes. Emergency epileptic seizure medicine is also known as seizure rescue medicine. Learn more about emergency epileptic seizure medicine below.
  • Living With Epilepsy

    If your child has received a diagnosis of epilepsy, they need understanding and you will all need time to adjust. Generally, your whānau (family) routine and experiences should remain the same. The main change is that your child may need to take regular medicine and follow some safety advice.
  • Types Of Epileptic Seizures In Children

    Learn more about different types of seizures, including what you might see and what your child might feel.
  • Epilepsy In Children

    Epilepsy is the name of a group of disorders. Tamariki (children) with epilepsy have epileptic seizures. But not all tamariki with epileptic seizures have epilepsy.
  • Anti-Seizure Medicines

    The aim of anti-seizure medicines is to prevent epileptic seizures. They are very effective in controlling seizures when your child takes them correctly.
  • Animated Epilepsy Videos To Watch With Your Child

    Animated videos for primary school tamariki (children) featuring Campi the seahorse, and his friends Cala and Tuno. 
  • EEG - Electroencephalogram

    If your child has had an epileptic seizure, they may need an electroencephalogram (EEG). An EEG is a recording of the brain's electrical activity. Your child can have an EEG as an outpatient. They don't need to stay in hospital.
  • Safety For Children With Epilepsy

    Your child's healthcare team will give you advice about increasing safety for your child with epilepsy. The advice will depend on the type and frequency of your child's seizures.
  • What If My Child Has Had An Epileptic Seizure?

    Our brains think and control our bodies using electrical messages. An epileptic seizure happens when there is abnormal electrical activity in your child's brain. Most tamariki (children) who have one epileptic seizure will never have another one.
  • Paraldehyde (Rectal) For Stopping Seizures

    Information about the use of rectal paraldehyde for stopping seizures.
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