Key points to remember about ear infections
- ear infections are very common in young tamariki
- they can cause pain, and often fever
- if you think your child has an ear infection, take them to a health professional
- pain relief is important
- antibiotics are often not needed
- always take your child to a health professional for an ear check 4 to 6 weeks after an ear infection, to make sure the ear fluid has gone
- most tamariki outgrow ear infections and will have perfect, undamaged ears and normal hearing

What is an ear infection?
There are 2 common types of middle ear problems:
- an ear infection (acute otitis media) - discussed on this page
- glue ear (otitis media with effusion)
What the inside of the ear looks like
The inside of the ear can be separated into three parts, the outer, middle and inner ear.

Signs and symptoms of an ear infection
The pain from an ear infection comes on rapidly and doesn't last long. It usually wears off within 24 hours.
Symptoms in older children
Older tamariki will complain of significant ear pain and may have a fever. They may also feel unwell and complain of reduced hearing in the affected ear. They may complain of problems with balance.
Symptoms in babies and younger children
In babies and younger tamariki, sometimes the only sign of an ear infection is a fever.
Younger tamariki may also:
- cry and become very upset, distressed, irritable and hard to settle
- have very disturbed sleep at the beginning of the infection
- become 'clingy' and 'grizzly'
Burst ear drum
Occasionally, the ear drum will burst and pus will come out of the ear. See a health professional if this happens.
Managing an ear infection
Pain relief
Regular pain relief is important to help your child feel more comfortable. Paracetamol and/or ibuprofen can help reduce pain, and also lower fever which can make your child feel better. You must follow the dosage instructions on the bottle. It is dangerous to give more than the recommended dose.
Antibiotics are often not needed
The health professional may either:
- wait to see whether the infection will clear up by itself, or
- recommend treatment with antibiotics, if your child is unwell and feverish
When to get medical help for your child with an ear infection
Go to a health professional if you suspect your child has an ear infection
If you think your child has an ear infection, take them to a health professional.
Take your child back to a health professional if your child doesn't improve in 24 to 48 hours
Once an ear infection is diagnosed, your child should start to improve within 24 to 48 hours. If the symptoms are no better or are getting worse, or you are worried about your child, take them back to the health professional.
Go to a health professional again 4 to 6 weeks after the ear infection
Always take your child to a health professional for an ear check after any ear infection, to make sure the ear fluid has gone. Go to your health professional again 4 to 6 weeks after the ear infection.
Can I do anything to prevent ear infections in my child?
It is not easy to prevent ear infections, but the following may help reduce the risk:
- making sure your child's environment is smoke-free.
- breastfeeding your baby for at least 3 to 6 months is thought to be protective against the early development of ear infections - this may be because breastfeeding boosts the infection-fighting system (immune system)
- keeping your child's room warm and dry
- making sure your child has all their immunisations on time
Starship Foundation and the Paediatric Society of New Zealand acknowledge the cooperation of Procare Health Ltd in the development of this content. Procare Health Ltd provides GP (general practice) services in the greater Auckland area.
Illustrations by Dr Greta File. Property of KidsHealth.