Dialling 111 (New Zealand emergency number)
111 is the New Zealand emergency number - make sure to use the appropriate emergency number in other countries.
Dial 111 from any phone if you need medical help in an emergency. You can call this emergency number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Teach everyone in your family, your children, visitors, and babysitters, how to use the 111 service properly.
Visit the St John website for more information on using 111.
Can I dial 111 if I don't have credit on my phone?
Yes, you can call 111 number on a mobile phone even if the phone is out of credit.
What if I have impaired hearing?
There is an emergency TXT service for people with hearing or speech difficulties. You need to register for the 111 TXT service.
For more information about registering for 111 TXT, see the New Zealand Police website.
How can I make it easier for the ambulance to find me?
If your house is difficult to find, leave a note with your full address written out clearly and include any special instructions if access is difficult. Make sure this is easy to find. That way, your child or babysitter can easily read the instructions out if they need to call 111 in an emergency.
Information to help make sure the ambulance gets to you as quickly as possible includes:
- the name of the nearest cross street to your house
- details of road signs, landmarks, road works or any other special features near your house - this is particularly useful if you live in a rural area or on a long road with no cross streets nearby