A video on gender identity from the The REAL Sex Talk series. It looks at how ideas about gender are set at such a young age that it can feel pretty overwhelming, and sometimes be tricky to work out who you truly are.
Source: Villainesse
InsideOut video series - young people talk about their experience
A video featuring young people speaking about being asexual or aromantic.
Source: InsideOUT
A video featuring young people talking about being bisexual or pansexual.
Source: InsideOUT
A video featuring young people talking about being intersex.
Source: InsideOUT
A video featuring young people talking about being non binary.
Source: InsideOUT
A video featuring young people talking about what takatāpui means to them.
Source: InsideOUT
A video featuring young people talking about being rainbow Pasifika.
Source: InsideOUT
A video featuring young people talking about being queer and Asian.
Source: InsideOUT
More information
Gender Diversity In Children & Young People
Gender Diversity In Children & Young People - Young People's Voices