Parent support groups and services in Aotearoa New Zealand

Bellyful is a charitable trust that offers support in the form of meals for families with newborns. They have 20 branches throughout New Zealand that coordinate volunteers to cook and deliver meals.

Birthright is a not-for-profit charitable organisation that specialises in working with families led by one person. They provide a range of services to single parents including social work support and counselling, networking opportunities, parent education programmes and budgeting advice. They can also refer to recognised agencies for specialist services.

Birth Trauma Aotearoa is a registered charitable trust working across Aotearoa New Zealand. Their work includes advocacy, education, research and support for anyone affected by birth trauma.

Mothers Helpers is a registered charitable trust. It provides information and support for mothers experiencing postnatal depression.

Multiples NZ helps to address the diverse needs of families with twins, triplets or higher order multiples. It provides networking, education, support and advocacy.

Mums4Mums Charitable Trust cares for both migrant and local Kiwi mums. It provides support to mums in their homes, caring for their babies and connecting them with other supporting services to ensure the best outcomes possible for whānau.

Parent Help is a non-profit organisation that provides a parenting helpline and counselling for parents, caregivers, and whānau. For free support and advice, call the Parent Helpline on 0800 568 856 (available 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week) or visit their website.

Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Support (SANDS) is a parent-run, non-profit organisation supporting parents and families who have experienced the death of a baby at any stage during pregnancy, as a baby or infant.

If you are a teenager and pregnant, or already have a baby, Teen Parent Units (TPUs) based around New Zealand can offer you a unique educational opportunity to support you to continue your studies.

The Little Miracles Trust provides a range of free services available to the whānau of premature and sick babies. They provide and coordinate support to whānau during the time their baby is in hospital through to the transition home and onwards.

In some areas of Aotearoa, extra parenting support is available from Plunket family centres. Family centres provide a free service, staffed by Plunket nurses, Plunket Community Karitane, Plunket Kaiāwhina, community staff and volunteers. They offer practical support and information to new parents on different whānau topics.