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COVID-19 Vaccination

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Displaying 8 results tagged with ‘COVID-19 Vaccination’

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  • Videos About COVID-19 Vaccination For Children

    Watch some videos on COVID-19 vaccination for tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people).
  • COVID-19 Vaccination For Children

    Find out why it's important for tamariki (children) to have the COVID-19 vaccine. It's especially important for those with underlying health conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart conditions (like rheumatic heart disease). 
  • COVID-19 Vaccination

    Check information about COVID-19 vaccination in tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people). Find out about having the COVID-19 vaccine when pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Resource - For Children Who Like A Step By Step Explanation Before Their Vaccine

    'Tamariki time' is a resource for tamariki (children) on the spectrum, or tamariki who are anxious or who like to have a step by step explanation before their COVID vaccine.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination - Preparing Your Tamariki

    Quick tips for your child's COVID-19 vaccination - what to do before, during and after your child has their vaccine.
  • Supporting Children & Young People Having The COVID-19 Vaccine

    Check some tips and resources for supporting tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) through the COVID-19 vaccination process. This includes resources for supporting those with disabilities.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination For Children & Teens With Diabetes

    Tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) with diabetes aged 5 years and over can have their COVID-19 vaccination now. The Paediatric Society Clinical Network for Diabetes recommends all tamariki 5 years and over with diabetes have the COVID-19 vaccine to help protect against COVID-19.
  • Vaccinating Children During COVID-19

    Vaccination remains a priority for whānau (families). You can protect your child against serious diseases like whooping cough and measles.
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