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Checklist for tube feeding at home

Parents can sometimes feel overwhelmed with tube feeding their child at home. There are some things parents whose tamariki have transitioned from hospital to home have identified as being important, especially in the first few weeks. 

The following is a checklist identifying the things other parents have found important, or had questions about. You might find it helpful to come up with questions to ask your child's health professional, whether they see you at home or in a clinic. 

Remember every child has their own medical needs and achieves things in their own individual time, which might include when they are ready to move to oral feeding. For this reason, some of the items on this checklist may not apply to your child's unique situation.

Consider these questions and answer 'yes' or 'not sure' 

  • I/we know who to contact with concerns about our baby/child’s tube feeding plan 
  • I/we have a GP and/or midwife to talk to about any concerns 

For our baby I/we can: 

  • sterilise bottles and express equipment 
  • store breastmilk or formula 
  • make up formula 
  • do daily skin-to-skin (Kangaroo cares) 
  • recognise our baby’s hunger cues 
  • encourage oral stimulation/sucking during tube feeds 
  • position and hold our baby/child correctly for oral or tube feeds 
  • recognise developmental milestones for our child’s age and gestation (the time between conception and birth)
  • understand it is safe for our baby to participate in developmental activities such as tummy time and other age-appropriate activities

Tube feeding management in older tamariki (children): 

  • I/we understand the tube feeding plan  
  • I/we can do water flushes 
  • I/we can set the required feeding rate (if using a feeding pump) 
  • I/we can replace the feeding tube
  • I/we understand tube care
  • I/we can check correct tube placement 
  • I/we can position our child correctly for feeding 
  • I/we have had a discussion with the team about tube weaning 
  • I/we have discussed tube feeding with preschool/school  

Other things to consider: 

  • I/we know who to talk to about the emotional impact of tube feeding  
  • I/we know how to sooth and comfort our baby/child 
  • I/we know how to bath our baby/child with a tube 
  • I/we know how to monitor our baby/child’s temperature and know when to seek medical attention 
  • I/we know how to check that baby/child is adequately hydrated 
  • I/we feel confident to go out (e.g. setting up gear for a stroller/wheelchair) 
  • I/we are aware of financial support that we can access
  • I/we have been given information in a form that I can understand 

Additional information:

  • I/we have read the Eating for Healthy Breastfeeding Women booklet 
  • I/we have read/watched recommended information from my child's health team about normal growth and feeding development in pēpi/tamariki

The needs of pēpi (babies) and tamariki change as they grow. If you have any concerns or questions about any aspect of your child’s needs or care, please ask their health team - they are happy to support you and your child’s journey. 

Eating for healthy breastfeeding women cover
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Source: Ministry of Health


Tube Feeding


The content on this page has been developed and approved by the Clinical Network for Paediatric Tube Feeding, Paediatric Society New Zealand. 

Last reviewed
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