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Breathing illnesses

Illnesses that affect breathing are common in tamariki and rangatahi. Find out more about some breathing illnesses and what to do if your child is sick. 


Bronchiolitis is a chest condition that causes breathing problems in pēpi (babies). It's caused by a virus. Bronchiolitis is usually a mild illness but some sicker pēpi need to go to hospital.



Croup is a viral illness in young tamariki which causes narrowing of the upper airways. Croup is often a mild illness but can quickly become serious, so don't hesitate to get medical help.

Croup In Children

Whooping cough

Whooping cough can make pēpi very sick and some pēpi can die. Having whooping cough immunisation in pregnancy protects pēpi in their first weeks of life. Start immunising pēpi the day they turn 6 weeks old to keep protecting them.

Whooping Cough


Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. It causes cough, fever and problems with breathing. Most tamariki make a complete recovery from pneumonia.

Pneumonia In Children


Coughing is common in tamariki (children), especially when they are preschool age. A cough that lasts longer than 4 weeks is not normal and may be a sign of more serious disease.

Cough In Children

Pre-school wheeze

Pre-school wheeze is an infection of the lungs that starts with a cough or cold. It's more common in tamariki under the age of 3 years as their airways are smaller. Pre-school wheeze can also be called viral wheeze, episodic wheeze, or viral-induced wheeze.

Pre-School Wheeze


Asthma is a condition that leads to narrowing of the airways of the lungs. Symptoms include wheeze, cough and difficulty breathing.


Signs that children are struggling to breathe

Watch the videos and know the signs and the different noises pēpi and tamariki can make when they are having trouble breathing. That way you can act fast and get help. 

Signs That Children Are Struggling To Breathe

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