Colds animation
KidsHealth video. Find out about colds, symptoms and when you might need to see a health professional.
A cold is a viral infection.
It affects the airways, mainly the nose and throat.
There are many different viruses that can cause colds.
Colds are very easy to catch. They affect everyone.
Tamariki and rangatahi with colds may:
have a blocked or runny nose
have a sore throat
not eat and drink as much as usual
have swollen glands around their head and neck
have sore ears
have a fever
have a headache
feel tired
Colds are usually mild. You can expect your child to get completely better.
Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or take your child to see a health professional if they:
are under 3 months old with a fever or
are taking less than half of their normal feeds or won't drink or
are unusually sleepy or
have a fever for more than 48 hours or
are breathing faster or harder or
have a cough that lasts for more than 2 weeks
If you're worried about your child or if their symptoms are getting worse, see a health professional.
Dial 111 if your child:
is blue around the mouth or
is hard to wake or
is floppy or
is struggling to breathe or
has an intense headache
Key points about colds in children
- colds are common in tamariki
- they are caused by viruses
- viruses spread through coughing, sneezing and by touching infected surfaces
- common cold symptoms include sore throat, cough, sneezing and a runny nose
- most tamariki recover from their cold without needing much treatment
What is a cold?
A cold is a viral infection that affects the respiratory tract. The respiratory tract contains the parts of the body related to breathing. It includes the:
- nose
- throat
- windpipe
- air passages in the lungs
- lungs
Colds mainly affect the nose and throat. Colds are also called upper respiratory tract infections (URTI).
Causes of colds
There are many different viruses that can cause colds. The viruses that cause colds spread easily by coughing, sneezing and touching infected surfaces.
Who gets colds
Colds are very common in tamariki. Some preschoolers can get up to 12 colds a year. Sometimes it can feel like your child constantly has a cold, especially during winter.
Young tamariki get lots of colds because they haven’t had time to build up immunity to the many viruses that cause colds. As tamariki grow, they gradually build up their immunity and get fewer colds.
Symptoms of a cold

Common symptoms of a cold in tamariki include:
- runny or blocked nose
- sneezing
- sore throat and ears
- cough
- mild fever
- headache
- swollen glands around the head and neck
- being grizzly and tired
- not eating or drinking as much as usual
Symptoms of a cold can last from a few days to over a week. Most tamariki get better without any problems.
Managing your child's symptoms at home
Encourage your child to rest and take a break from sports and exercise. There’s no need for them to stay in bed. Just let your child decide how active they want to be.
Food and fluid
Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids. Offer them small amounts of water, often. Your child may not feel like eating much when they have a cold. Their appetite will return as they start to get better.
Paracetamol if needed
You can give paracetamol if your child is in discomfort or miserable with a fever. You must follow the dosage instructions on the bottle or packet. It is dangerous to give more than the recommended dose.
When to get medical help
Call Healthline or see a health professional
Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or take your child to see a health professional if they:
- are under 3 months old with a fever
- are taking less than half of their normal feeds
- won’t drink fluids
- vomit frequently
- are unusually sleepy
- have a fever for more than 48 hours
- have a cough that continues for more than 2 weeks
- are breathing fast, have noisy breathing or are working harder to breathe
If you're worried about your child or if their symptoms are getting worse or last for more than a week, take them to see a health professional.
Call 111
Call 111 within New Zealand (use the appropriate emergency number in other countries) and ask for urgent medical help if your child:
- is blue around the mouth
- is hard to wake
- is floppy
- is having increasing trouble breathing or is breathing faster or harder than usual
- complains of an intense headache
Treatments available for colds
There is no medicine that can make a cold go away more quickly. The best thing is to treat the symptoms.
If your child has discomfort, you can give paracetamol to make them more comfortable. You must follow the dosage instructions on the bottle or packet. It is dangerous to give more than the recommended dose. Never give your child aspirin as this may increase the risk of Reye syndrome, which is a rare and serious illness.
Saline drops
You can try giving your child saline nasal drops, which might help their blocked nose. You can get these from your local pharmacy.
Treatments to avoid giving your child
Cough medicine
Cough medicines are not useful for treating cough. Avoid giving your child cough medicine unless recommended by your health professional.
Decongestant medicine won’t help your child recover from their cold any quicker. It can also cause side effects like fast heart rate and poor sleep. Avoid giving decongestant medicine to tamariki.
Because colds are caused by viruses, antibiotics won’t help treat a cold. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections.
Reducing the chances of getting colds
There are simple things you can do to reduce your child’s chances of getting a cold or passing on a cold.
Hand hygiene
Use hand sanitiser or encourage frequent hand washing with soap and water.
Cough hygiene
Teach your child to cough into their elbow to avoid getting germs on their hands. Teach them to sneeze into a tissue and throw it away as soon as possible. Remind them to sanitise or wash their hands after sneezing, coughing and blowing their nose.
See the KidsHealth page on teaching children to blow their nose for some tips.
Teaching Children To Blow Their Nose
Don't share drinks and utensils
Make sure your child doesn’t share cups, drink bottles or utensils with others when they are sick.
Possible complications from having a cold
Colds are usually mild, and almost all tamariki get fully better. Very occasionally, there can be complications from a cold, such as:
Cold symptoms illustration by Dr Greta File. Property of KidsHealth.