COVID-19 Video Answering Common Questions About The Vaccine (Te Reo Māori)

COVID-19 Video Answering Common Questions About The Vaccine (Te Reo Māori)

Watch a short video in te Reo Māori answering the most common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Te Reo Māori: How does the Pfizer/BionTech vaccine work?

Hei whakanui i Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, e mīharo ana mātou kia tohaina ēnei kiriara reo Māori, e whakautu ana i te nuinga o ngā pātai i rangona e mātou mō te rongoā āraimate. He aha tāna mahi? Ko te manako he kupu āwhina ēnei kōrero kia matatau ake koe me te whānau, i mua i tō whiwhinga i te āraimate, kia tū tangata tātou ki te patu i a Kowheori-19 i Aotearoa.


The Immunisation Advisory Centre created a short video in Te Reo Māori answering the most common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine: How does it work? They hope this information can help to inform you and your whānau ahead of getting the vaccine so together we can stand strong against COVID-19 in Aotearoa.

Watch the video in Samoan

Watch the video in English

This page last reviewed 15 September 2021.

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