Financial help for children with diabetes
You may be able to get financial support because of your child's extra needs.
You can talk about which allowances you might be able to get with your:
- family doctor or nurse
- paediatrician
- hospital team
- social worker
Support through Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata
Support through Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tanagata includes:
- Child Disability Allowance
- Disability Allowance
- Community Services Card
Ways to access these supports include:
- talking to your diabetes team, diabetes doctor, or social worker
- going to your nearest Work and Income office or calling them on 0800 559 009
- visiting the Work and Income website

Check out the Work and Income website for more information and application forms.
Child Disability Allowance
This is an allowance for the main carer of a child with a serious disability. Diabetes is included in this. It is paid because of the extra care needed for that child.
The Child Disability Allowance is a set amount and doesn't depend on your income, assets or costs.
Requirements for the Child Disability Allowance
To receive the allowance, you need to be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. You will need to complete a Child Disability Allowance application form.
Source: Work and Income New Zealand
Your family doctor or paediatrician needs to complete the medical certificate at the end of the form. This includes questions about whether your child can get the allowance.
For more information, including current rates, you can go to the Work and Income website or call free on 0800 559 009.

Check out the Work and Income website for more information about the Child Disability Allowance.
Find out the current rate for the Child Disability Allowance
Getting the Disability Allowance
You may be able to get this allowance as well as the Child Disability Allowance. It is a weekly payment for whānau (families) of tamariki (children) who have regular, ongoing costs because of their child's disability. The amount you get depends on how much you and your partner earn. There is a limit to how much you can claim each week.
Examples of costs the Disability Allowance may cover
Some costs might be:
- visits to the doctor
- medicines
- hypoglycaemia treatment
- gluten free food (if your child also has coeliac disease)
- travel to medical services
Requirements for the Disability Allowance
You must be caring for the child who has diabetes. Your doctor needs to sign an application form. You will need to send in receipts for your ongoing costs, with your application, and then every year after that.
Ask your healthcare worker for a form.
Getting a Community Services Card
The Community Services Card can help you and your whānau with the costs of healthcare. You'll pay less for some health services and prescriptions. If you have not received one, please phone Work and Income on 0800 999 999.

Check out the Work and Income website for more information about the Community Services Card.
Other help available from Work and Income
Work and Income has a wide range of other financial help.
If you have costs that you can't meet on your own, contact Work and Income on 0800 559 009.

You could use the 'Check what you might get' guide at the Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata website.
Support through Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand
Support from Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand includes:
- Carer Support Subsidy
- National Travel Assistance
Carer Support Subsidy
The Carer Support is a subsidy that helps you take some time out for yourself. It provides reimbursement for some of the costs of care and support for your child while you have a break.

Examples of costs that the Carer Support Subsidy may cover
Some costs may be:
- respite caregivers
- holiday programmes
- glucose monitoring devices
Requirements for the Carer Support Subsidy
You must be caring for the child who has diabetes and who needs regular glucose monitoring and medicines.
Your doctor needs to complete a registration form.
Once you have received confirmation from Te Whatu Ora you can make a claim.
Submitting a claim
You can submit either an invoice (request for payment) or a receipt (reimbursement of payment).
You can send Carer Support forms by email to
If requesting the Carer Support Subsidy for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) you need to submit the following:
- a copy of the Carer Support Subsidy letter written by the Clinical Network for Children and Young People with Diabetes - you will need to fill in your personal details
- a copy of the Carer Support Subsidy Purchasing Guidelines
- a copy of a quote for the CGM you are wanting (screenshot of costs)
- a claim form
Source: KidsHealth
Your diabetes team can help you out with this process as well.
National Travel Assistance
If you have to travel long distances (or travel often) to go to diabetes appointments, or hospital admissions, you may be able to get some costs covered under the National Travel Assistance (NTA) Scheme.

Find out about the National Travel Assistance (NTA) Scheme.
Is there any other financial help I can get?
Check the KidsHealth page about financial help for raising a family to see if there's any other help you may be able to get.