A Great Way To Stock Up Video Transcript

A Great Way To Stock Up Video Transcript

Ideas and tips for stocking up on baby food.


Video transcript for a great way to stock up!

[Introduced by music, sounds of tap running and muffled

[Music ] 

Mum 1

I enjoy making baby food because then I know bubs is getting all the right nutrition and so am I.

[Sound of spoon on metal bowl]

[Music ]

Mum 1

What I do ... cheers ...

[Sound of laughter from both Mums]



... is I tip it into a bowl

[Music ]

Mum 2

So do you just leave a little bit of water in there?

[Music ]

Mum 1

Yeah, yeah. Just a little bit of water.

[Music ]


Cook a large amount and let it cool a bit.

[Background muffled talking]


Mum 1

That has quite a bit of liquid in it.

[Music ]


Mum 2




Mum 1

Once you boil it down.


Mum 1

Let it cool for a bit.

[Sound of spoon hitting metal bowl]


Mum 1

Mash it up, mash it up, mash it up, mash it up, and it's quite ...



Make it into a purée with a blender, a mouli or a sieve.


Mum 1

It's really, really fast as well. Tip some apples through and hopefully it's like really, really, really fine.



Once your baby's eating foods with more texture you could put any healthy leftovers from the family meal into a blender and blend to a lumpy pulp. Try blending leftover meat or lentils, potato or kūmara and green vegetables. Remember not to add salt or sugar to your baby's meal.

Mum 3

I'm just getting Kahukura some meals prepared for the next couple of days.

Mum 1

Oh nice.

Mum 3

Yep, um

Mum 1

What's on the menu?

Mum 3

Well we use our leftovers from dinner from the night before so usually I just prepare a little bit extra at night and then, um, save it for the next day and then get it all ready and put it in the freezer and then we can use it again when we need it. So today we've got some leftover ah potato and pumpkin and a little but of kumara and some peas. Um and we've got some leftover steak from the night before, um, and I save a bit of the water from the vegetables that we've used to cook the vegetables in, just to help mash it up a bit better. So we don't really use any milk or salt or butter or anything to mash it. We just use the water from the veges.

Mum 1

Oh that's handy

Mum 3

So I'll just start by cutting up some of the meat. Just try a little bit first

[Sound of hand held blender]

Mum 3

Looks a bit dry.

[Sound of hand held blender]

[Sounds of hand held blender and laughter]

Mum 1

Oh wow. I would have never thought to do it, to do it that way.

Mum 3

Um, sometimes if you use the stick to blend it all together it can go a bit gluey, and then I just add a bit of um, the liquid from ...


Mum 3

... the veges that we cooked.

Mum 1

Good enough for me to eat anyway.


Mum 1

It's ready.

[Muffled talking]



Freeze portions in ice-cube trays or other food-friendly containers.


Mum 1

Spoon it into my ice-cube trays. I freeze them, sort of in portion sizes. Yeah.


Mum 3

So label what's in it and then put the date on them so I know how long they've been in the freezer for.


Mum 1

Do you know how long they last in the freezer?


Mum 3

Um yep.


Mum 3

We've put them in for no longer than three to four weeks.


Mum 1

Oh yeah.


Mum 3




Make several trays at a time so you have less preparation to do.


Mum 1




Use the frozen cubes over the next three to four weeks.



Food can be kept in the fridge for up to two days.

[Baby noises]



Once the cubes are frozen, you can put them into freezer bags.

[Baby noises]



Then you can then use the trays for the next batch of food.

[Music and sound of ice cube trays being emptied and put into bags]


Make sure you label and date the freezer bags.

This page last reviewed 17 July 2013.

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