Key points about irritable bowel syndrome
- irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a problem with the way the digestive system works
- it is not the same as inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)
- IBS can be uncomfortable but causes no damage to the digestive system
- tamariki (children) with IBS can have cramping pain, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation
What is irritable bowel syndrome?
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a problem with the way the digestive system works. Tamariki with IBS can have cramping pain, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. Although IBS can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for tamariki, it doesn't cause serious health problems. Changes in diet and lifestyle can help tamariki manage their IBS symptoms.
IBS is not the same as inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis).
Causes of irritable bowel syndrome
The cause is uncertain
The exact cause of IBS is still not certain but there are some things that may contribute to it.
Things that may contribute to IBS
Fast or slow digestive system
Tamariki with IBS may be more sensitive to tummy pain, discomfort, and fullness. They can have a digestive system that moves unusually quickly or slowly.
Bacteria changes
IBS may happen after changes in the balance of the bacteria in the intestine - for example, after an infection, such as gastroenteritis.
Family members with IBS
Tamariki with IBS may have another family member with IBS.
Certain foods
For some tamariki with IBS, some foods (like milk, chocolate, drinks with caffeine, gassy foods, fatty foods, artificial sweeteners) can make symptoms worse.
Stress and anxiety
Some tamariki with IBS may be more sensitive to stress and anxiety. Because nerves in the colon (also called the large bowel or large intestine) are linked to the brain, stressful events like family problems, moving, school tests, or going on holiday can affect how the colon works.
Sometimes, what triggers IBS symptoms may never be clear
Sometimes, parents may never find out what triggers their child's IBS symptoms.
Signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
The most common symptoms
The most common symptoms of IBS in tamariki are tummy pain (cramping), along with changes in how often tamariki do a poo and whether they have diarrhoea or constipation.
If your child has IBS, they will usually have pain or discomfort together with at least 2 of the following 3 symptoms (at least 3 times a month):
- feeling better after doing a poo
- doing poo more or less often than usual
- having diarrhoea or constipation
Diarrhoea means having loose, watery poo 3 or more times a day and feeling an urgent need to do a poo.
Constipation means doing fewer than 3 poos a week. The poo can be hard, dry and small, making them difficult or painful to push out.
Constipation is much more common in tamariki than IBS.
Other symptoms
Other symptoms of IBS may include:
- feeling that a poo is not completely finished
- pooing mucus - a clear liquid made by the digestive system that coats and protects its tissues
- feeling bloated
- doing more farting and burping
Diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome
Talking with a health professional
There is no test for IBS. Health professionals usually diagnose IBS by checking your child and asking about their symptoms. Answering questions about things like farting and poos can be embarrassing for tamariki. Talk to your child before the appointment and reassure them that the health professional talks about things like this all the time and needs the information to help your child feel better.
Family history and causes of stress
Your health professional may ask if anyone in the family has IBS or other digestive system problems. Your health professional may also ask about stress at home and at school.
Food diary
Your health professional may suggest that you help your child keep a food diary to see if certain foods trigger IBS symptoms.
Most of the time, health professionals don't need medical tests to diagnose IBS, but sometimes your health professional may arrange tests to make sure another medical problem is not causing the trouble.
Managing irritable bowel syndrome
There's not a simple way to get rid of IBS. But many things can help reduce IBS symptoms.
Changes in eating
Some tamariki with IBS find that careful eating helps reduce or get rid of IBS symptoms. Your child might have to avoid milk and dairy products, drinks with caffeine, gassy foods, or other foods that seem to trigger the symptoms. Some tamariki with IBS feel better when they eat smaller, more frequent meals. Your health professional may suggest a special diet called FODMAP.

Check out the Monash University website for some IBS resources as well as information about FODMAPs.
Recognising and dealing with stress and anxiety
Talk to your child about worries they may have and what you can do to help manage pressures related to school, home, or friends. You could talk to your child's teacher if there are things that are worrying your child at school.
Talk to your child's health professional if you're worried about their anxiety. If your child has a lot of anxiety or seems depressed, your health professional might arrange for your child to see your local child and adolescent mental health service. Therapy, breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques can help some tamariki with IBS.
Exercise can help digestion. It can also help your child cope better with stress and anxiety.
Make sure your child gets enough sleep.
If your child has constipation, make sure you talk to your health professional about treatment.
Your child's health professional may prescribe medicines to treat diarrhoea, constipation, or cramps. Occasionally, your child may need to see a paediatrician (children's health specialist doctor) who may recommend treatment for pain.
Talk with your child's health professional before giving your child with IBS any over-the-counter medicines for diarrhoea, constipation, cramps, or other digestive problems.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in children.
Health Navigator New Zealand. Irritable bowel syndrome.
KidsHealth from Nemours. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).