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Where to get financial help 

You may be able to get financial support because of your child's extra needs. 

You can talk about which allowances you might be able to get with your:

  • GP
  • paediatrician
  • social worker
  • child development service

Suppport from a needs assessment

Children with disabilities may be able to get financial support from having a needs assessment.

See KidsHealth's information about needs assessment

Support through Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata

This includes:

  • Child Disability Allowance 
  • Disability Allowance
  • Childcare Assistance
  • Community Services Card

For information and application forms, visit the Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata website.

You can also:

  • go to your nearest Work and Income office
  • call Work and Income on 0800 559 009
  • talk to your social worker, paediatrician, child development service

Other support 

  • National Travel Assistance Scheme (from Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand)
  • Mobility Parking Permit Scheme (from CCS Disability Action)
  • discount taxi fares (through the Total Mobility Scheme)
  • lottery grants
  • help if your child needs glasses

Child Disability Allowance

This is an allowance for the main carer of a child with a serious disability. It is paid because of the extra care needed for that child.

The Child Disability Allowance is a set amount and doesn't depend on your income, assets or costs.

What do I need to do to get the Child Disability Allowance?

To receive the allowance, you need to be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.

You will need to complete a Child Disability Allowance application form (PDF, 484KB).

Your family doctor or paediatrician needs to complete the medical certificate at the end of the form. This includes questions about whether your child can get the allowance.

For more information, including current rates, you can go to the Work and Income website or call free on 0800 559 009.

Check the information about the Child Disability Allowance at the Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata website.

You can also find out the current rates for the Child Disability Allowance.

Disability Allowance

You may be able to get this allowance as well as the Child Disability Allowance. It is a weekly payment for families of children who have regular, ongoing costs because of their child's disability. The amount you get depends on how much you and your partner earn. There is a limit to how much you can claim per week.

What are some examples of costs the Disability Allowance may cover?

Some costs might be:

  • visits to the doctor
  • medicines
  • extra clothing
  • heating
  • travel to medical services or counselling

What do I need to do to get the Disability Allowance?

You must be caring for the child who has the disability. Your doctor needs to sign an application form. You will need to send in receipts for your ongoing costs, with your application, and then every year after that.

Ask your healthcare worker for a form.

Find out more about the Disability Allowance at the Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata website

Help with childcare costs

Work and Income may be able to give you help towards childcare costs. It depends on your circumstances and how much you and your partner earn.

Find out about childcare and types of childcare assistance at the Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata website

Types of Childcare Assistance

Community Services Card

The Community Services Card can help you and your family with the costs of healthcare. You'll pay less for some health services and prescriptions. If you have not received one, and think you should have, please phone Work and Income on 0800 999 999.

Find out about the Community Services Card at the Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata website.

Other help from Work and Income

Work and Income has a wide range of other financial help. 

If you have costs that you can't meet on your own, contact Work and Income on 0800 559 009.

See the guide 'Check what you might get' at the Ministry of Social Development website.

Check the types of extra help you can get at the Work and Income - Te Hiranga Tangata website.

Help with travel and accommodation costs

If you have to travel long distances (or travel often) for your child's treatment, you may be able to get some costs covered under the National Travel Assistance Scheme. 

Find out about National Travel Assistance (Health Information and Services, Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand website)

Mobility Parking Permit 

The Mobility Parking Permit scheme provides people with Mobility Parking Spaces. Talk to your family doctor about whether your child can get this.

You can get information and application forms at the CCS Disability Action website.

You could also contact your nearest or your local CCS Disability Action branch. Or call free on 0800 227 2255.

Help with taxi fares

You may be able to apply for discount taxi fares through the Total Mobility scheme. Local and regional councils provide this service. To find out if you qualify, speak to your social worker or contact your local or regional council. You can call Enable free on 0800 362 253 for contact details for your local council.

Applying for grants for extra help  

You can make applications to organisations such as the New Zealand Lotteries Commission, Halberg Trust and the Variety Club for assistance for vehicle modification, sporting activities or specialised equipment. For information on these options, please contact your needs assessment facilitator, health professional, social worker in the community, or ward social worker if your child is an inpatient.

Other financial help

Check the KidsHealth page about financial help for raising a family to see if there's any other help you may be able to get.

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