Key points about vitamin D supplement
- breastmilk is the ideal and recommended food for your baby
- a vitamin D supplement can help them to build and maintain strong bones
- pēpi (babies) and tamariki (children) need vitamins to help with growth and development
- all pēpi can benefit from a vitamin D supplement during their first year of life
- the vitamin D supplement for infants and tamariki in New Zealand is called 'Clinicians vitamin D drops'
Clinicians vitamin D drops
'Clinicians vitamin D drops' is a liquid vitamin D supplement.
On 1 September 2023, the brand of vitamin D drops for tamariki changed its name from Puria to Clinicians.
Both brands may be available while stocks of Puria are used up.
Why some babies need to take a vitamin D supplement
Pēpi and tamariki need vitamins to help with growth and development.
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins. It helps your baby use calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Low levels of vitamin D in pēpi can cause rickets. This can result in weak bones, delayed walking, bowed legs and swollen wrists or ankles. Pēpi who are small or premature are at increased risk of rickets. These pēpi must take supplements.
Research shows term pēpi will also benefit from taking vitamin D, especially if they have naturally dark skin.
Read more about vitamin D and your baby.
Dose of vitamin D drops
The dose is one drop once a day. The dose does not need to increase as your baby grows. Give it to your baby once a day when feeding breastmilk or formula.
Taking vitamin D
You should start giving vitamin D drops within your baby's first week or when your baby is taking full feeds by mouth (oral). Keep giving one drop daily until your baby's first birthday or until your doctor asks you to stop.
How to give vitamin D drops to your baby
The bottle has an in-built dropper with instructions on the bottle - make sure to check the instructions.
You can give it with milk.
What if my baby vomits after taking vitamin D?
If your baby vomits less than 30 minutes after giving the vitamin D drops, give the same dose again. If it is more than 30 minutes, do not give another dose until it is next due.
Effects of vitamin D in babies
Pēpi usually have no trouble taking vitamin D drops as it tastes pleasant.
Storing vitamin D drops
You can store the bottle at room temperature. You don't need to keep it in the fridge. Throw it away 3 months after opening.
The content on this page has been developed and approved by the Clinical Reference Group of the Newborn Clinical Network, Paediatric Society New Zealand.