Using bleach baths
Bleach - sodium hypochlorite baths decrease bacteria (bugs) on the skin. This can help improve active eczema and prevent skin infection.
Once diluted in bath water, it's similar to a swimming pool with chlorine.
When to use bleach baths
When the skin is dry, red, and itchy or infected (active eczema). Some cracked eczema skin will sting when having a bath. Adding bleach won't make this worse.
How often to use bleach baths
Twice a week. See a health professional if skin is irritated by the bath, or if infection occurs. Wash the whole body and face.
Choosing a bleach to use
Bleach is sold as household cleaner. Choose one that is plain and has no added fragrance or detergent. They come in different strengths. Bleach gets weaker over time so you may need to replace with a fresh bottle.

Value Extra Strength Bleach
Buy at:
New World
Four Square
4.2% bleach

Shotz Bleach
Buy at:
The Warehouse
2.1% bleach
How to use bleach baths
Fill your bath or tub with warm water
- a full-sized bath filled 10cm deep holds about 80 litres of water
- a baby's bath holds around 15 litres of water
- work out how much water is in your bath by filling it to a mark using a bucket or large bottle
Add bleach and mix well
- for a 4.2% product, add 1 ml for every litre of water
- for a 2.1% product, add 2 mls for every litre of water
Soak in the bath for 10 to 15 minutes then wash with non-soap cream
- you can choose to rinse off after or not
- pat skin dry with a towel - do not share towels
- apply steroid and moisturiser creams as in your eczema plan
Bleach bath instructions for printing

This content has been developed and approved by the Paediatric Society NZ's Child and Youth Eczema Clinical Network, Te Rōpū Kiripai Hapori.