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Newborn babies

Spend time with your new baby to get to know them, and as you develop a bond they get to know you too. This lets your baby feel safe and free to learn and explore, and helps them to form relationships throughout their life. 

Check out the information and advice about caring for your newborn baby.


Crying is your baby's way of communicating. Pēpi (babies) often need a lot of calming, soothing and holding when they are upset.

What You Can Do When Your Baby Cries 

Safe sleep

Every year, too many New Zealand pēpi die suddenly during sleep. Find out about the best ways to reduce the risk. Make every sleep a safe sleep for your baby.

Safe Sleep For Your Baby

Vitamin K

Pēpi have low levels of vitamin K in their bodies at birth. Without vitamin K, pēpi are at risk of getting a rare bleeding disorder. A single vitamin K injection at birth is the most effective way of preventing this.

Vitamin K For Newborn Babies To Prevent Serious Bleeding

Tongue tie

Tongue tie is a condition that involves a small piece of tissue connecting the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. This is called the frenulum. When a baby's frenulum is short or tight it can stop their tongue from moving properly. This is called a tongue tie. Tongue tie may cause a problem with breastfeeding for some pēpi.

Tongue Tie

Heel prick test

The heel prick test is a blood test - it involves collecting a sample of blood from your baby's heel 48 hours after their birth.

Heel Prick Test For Newborn Babies

Hearing and vision checks

Your baby's eyes should be checked soon after birth. If you have concerns about your baby's vision or hearing at any time, take your baby for an assessment.

Hearing And Vision Checks For Babies


Vaccination on time is the most effective way to protect hapū māmā (pregnant women), pēpi and tamariki (children) from preventable disease.

Immunisation Overview

Rotavirus vaccination

Vaccination protects against rotavirus - a common tummy bug that pēpi and tamariki catch easily. Rotavirus causes vomiting and diarrhoea (runny, watery poo).

Rotavirus Immunisation

Whooping cough vaccination

Whooping cough can make pēpi very sick and some pēpi can die. Having whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy protects pēpi in their first weeks of life. Start vaccinating pēpi the day they turn 6 weeks old to keep protecting them.

Whooping Cough Immunisation


Mild jaundice is common in pēpi, but baby jaundice is not always normal. If your baby has yellow skin or eyes and pale poo or dark (yellow or brown) wee, your baby needs a special blood test. See a health professional or midwife as soon as possible.

Jaundice In Babies

Biliary atresia

Biliary atresia is a rare but serious liver disorder that affects newborn pēpi.

Biliary Atresia

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