What Equipment You Need For Making Your Baby's Formula


What Equipment You Need For Making Your Baby's Formula

You will need feeding bottles and teats with caps, collars and sealing discs. You will also need a bottle brush and a teat brush, kitchen tongs, and sterilising equipment (necessary for the first 6 months).

What equipment do I need for making formula?

What equipment do I need for making formula: Video transcript


You will need feeding bottles and teats with caps, collars and sealing discs.

You will also need a bottle brush and a teat brush, kitchen tongs, and sterilising equipment (necessary for the first 6 months).

Not all baby bottles have accurate volume lines (measure marks) on them. To check that the lines on your bottles are accurate, look for the standard mark EN14350 on the bottle or packaging, or take your bottles to a pharmacy and ask a staff member to check if the bottles are accurate.

Check KidsHealth's formula feeding section

Check KidsHealth's infant nutrition section

This page last reviewed 21 November 2022.

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